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International Arthouse • 1h 50m

Up Next in International Arthouse

  • I Am Not a Witch

    Leaving March 1

    Directed by Rungano Nyoni | 93 mins | 2017
    A young Zambian girl is accused of being a witch and then pressed into soothsaying service by a slick government official in this strikingly shot deadpan satire. Skewering superstition and corruption, it’s a feminist exposé of exploitati...

  • In Another Country

    Directed by Hong Sangsoo | 89 mins | 2012
    Isabelle Huppert plays three variations on the role of a Frenchwoman abroad in Korea in her first venture into Hong’s peculiar, soju-soaked world, and is the connecting link between the elements of this triptych of glancing, awkward romantic encounters wh...

  • Introduction

    Directed by Hong Sangsoo | 66 mins | 2021
    This devilishly deft portrait of missed and near-missed connections orbits a young man (Shin Seok-ho) adrift, sketching out his romantic and familial relationships in three parts (and a mere 66 minutes). Shooting his own feature for the first time, in bla...