Heart of Glass
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1h 34m
Directed by Werner Herzog | 95 mins | 1976
As in "Aguirre, the Wrath of God" (1972), Herzog here combines images of misty mountains majesty and the haunting sounds of Popol Vuh with the story of a descent into madness—tripped in this 18th century Bavarian village by the death of the master glassblower, who takes with him the formula for a prized ruby glass. Famously, all of the actors—except, crucially, for the glassblowers—performed under hypnosis, giving proceedings an eerie, Bressonian quality.
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Hi I Need to Be Loved
Directed by Marnie Ellen Hertzler | 11 mins | 2018
'I am going to have you read from a collection of my spam emails,' The director explains as she ushers actors from Craigslist one-by-one into an audition room. The actors and the director search together for the human voice inside the dialogue of... -
Directed by Djibril Diop Mambéty | 110 mins | 1992
One of the treasures of contemporary cinema, Senegalese master Mambéty made his long-delayed follow-up to his canonical Touki Bouki with this hallucinatory comic adaptation of Swiss avant-garde writer Friedrich Dürrenmatt’s play The ... -
I'm British But...
Directed by Gurinder Chadha | 30 mins | 1990
The vivacious, Bhangra-infused debut of "Bend it Like Beckham" (2002) writer-director Gurinder Chadha takes an expansive look at what it means to be British through the eyes of second-generation migrants from Asia. From the participants’ heterogeneous ...